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The purpose of prophylactic registration is to prevent the formation of drug dependence. В Узбекистане высший уровень «SMR» у обоих полов наблюдался в возрастных группах 30—34 лет, и особенно 35—39 лет. Состав и объем фондов. Within the month dedicated against drug abuse, on the International Day against Drug Abuse over 1. The Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan Cannabis users represent approx. Таджикистан — Cтрановой обзор 7. Доля опиатов как первичного наркотика среди зарегистрированных лиц снижается в Казахстане и Узбекистане, повышается в Кыргызстане и остается стабильной в Таджикистане. The number of drug addicts removed from dispensary registration in drug treatment facilities in as a result of death was , accounting for 2. It must be noted that the number of PLHIV is increasing every year: in , in , in , in , in , in , in The prevalence of HCV was higher in persons over the age of 25

MDMA (XTC, экстази) бесплатные пробы Чкаловск

Как часто Вы пользуетесь общественным транспортом? Helena St. There were 3, cases of HIV infection registered as of 1 January, , including 3, among citizens of Kyrgyzstan cumulatively. There are more than 50 codes according to the approved N4 reporting form ; injecting drug users are tested under the code In Tajikistan, a specific drug situation body following the EMCDDA model was established within the Ministry of Health; Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are still debating the options for the structure and institutional framework of their drug situation monitoring bodies. The proportion of crimes under Article of the Criminal Code of the total number of registered drug-related crimes was In total, during the implementation of the Action Plan Programme for the years —, more than 23 thousand measures were organised, aimed at the primary prevention of drug abuse among young people and with a total coverage of over 1 million people. Доступность медицинского поддерживающего лечения известного также под названием заместительная терапия опиатами, ЗТО , которое научные организации и экспертные органы2 ООН и ЕС считают основной формой противодействия для стран с преобладающим употреблением опиатов, очень низка хотя и медленно повышается в Казахстане и Таджикистане, немного выше в Кыргызстане, и совсем не существует в Узбекистане, где пилотная программа ЗТ была прекращена в году. In addition, this topic was widely covered by the National Television and Radio Company in the central and regional channels, through TV and radio programmes, news reports, art films, and documentaries. The highest prevalence of registered drug and alcohol addicts is reported from Kazakhstan — approx. Outpatient programmes are mainly oriented towards motivation and continuation of treatment and the prevention of relapse. The main objectives of the law are the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of people suffering from substance abuse and addiction, establishing bases and procedures for the provision of substance abuse treatment, and the protection and security of professionals providing drug treatment services. However, it is obvious that the seizures of heroin and opium are high compared to those in developed countries, which is to a large extent a consequence of the proximity to Afghanistan and the policing priorities. Just On an outpatient basis, patients received detox therapy and short-term psychotherapy. In this age group of students of the pilot regions levels of drug use were low.

The syringe exchange programmes are implemented by the specialists of public health services, as well as by the non-governmental sector in the Offices of Needle Exchange ONE. Методика проведения оценки численности ПИН оставалась неизменной с года 5.

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    Injecting drug users represented a total of 2,, including citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, who numbered 2, The Department of Addiction and Adolescent Psychopathology of the Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical Education acts as the leading agency with a methodological function in substance abuse treatment. Removal from dispensary observation is subject to the decision of the commission of narcologists who decide if the person has been abstaining from illegal drugs for several years e.

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  • Tajikistan — national overview Key figures. In addition, a national information network on the drug information and monitoring system DAMOS was established in to collect non-confidential information on drugs and drug addiction in the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Penitentiary Service, and the Civil Service of the Kyrgyz Republic drug control. Central Asia includes five independent countries with rather heterogeneous geography, demographics, and economics, which were part of the Soviet Union formerly see Table

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  • During the last 5 years for which reports are available, a decreasing trend in the number of registered users can be observed in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, while an increasing trend has been reported from Kyrgyzstan. In , surveys were conducted among IDUs on 8 sites. The purpose of BBS is the systematic and regular collection of information aimed at the study of the dynamics, factors in the spread of HIV infection in combination with the monitoring of risk behaviour in risk groups injecting drug users, commercial sex workers, men who have sex with men, etc. The number of needle and syringe programmes has remained rather stable in recent years. In , 1, persons were treated in substitution therapy programmes

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  • Additionally, an hour programme of seminars was developed for medical doctors working in primary care for the early detection and prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, and drug abuse. According to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, particular attention is paid to the development of youth sports as alternatives to drug and alcohol use among young people. Бишкек [Bishkek]. Демографические данные [Demographic data] [Online].

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    Данный факт необходимо объяснить, так как данные об урожае в Афганистане указывают на противоположное. Nevertheless, coordination mechanisms and bodies also have strong jurisdiction in the coordination of the demand side of drug policy — prevention, harm reduction, and treatment. Among the schoolchildren in the 5th—7th classes, 0. In addition, a national information network on the drug information and monitoring system DAMOS was established in to collect non-confidential information on drugs and drug addiction in the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Penitentiary Service, and the Civil Service of the Kyrgyz Republic drug control. Analytical and statistical information of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the years — С года начиная с дошкольного образования и заканчивая высшими учебными заведениями ВУЗ внедряется новая учебная дисциплина: самопознание, нравственно-духовное развитие личности. Чистое Чкаловского района Нижегородской области Генеральный план муниципального образования Кузнецовский сельсовет Чкаловского муниципального района Нижегородской области Генеральный план муниципального образования Вершиловский сельсовет Чкаловского района Нижегородской области Генеральный план села Катунки городского округа город Чкаловск Нижегородской области. Долгосрочно повысилось количество контактов с ПИНами, а также количество розданных шприцев в Казахстане и Узбекистане — в двух странах, в отношении которых имеются данные уже с г. Администрация городского округа город Чкаловск Нижегородская область. The number of contacts with IDUs and the number of syringes distributed have increased in the long term in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the two countries for which data are available for as long as since

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    Kyrgyzstan — national overview Key figures. During the month dedicated against drug abuse, meetings and discussions were organised at higher education institutions and their branches, colleges, and secondary schools, which were attended by more than 3. All these cases were sporadic, and did not turn into regular use. The previously reported high prevalence of HIV in injecting drug users in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan has decreased substantially in the last few years from Показатель отравлений наркотиками и психотропными веществами на населения по РК с 0,14 по 0,06 год снизился в более чем в 2 раза среди всего населения. The proportion of patients treated in hospital was However, injecting drug users can get tested for HIV under other codes, such as According to the results of this study, 4. Долгосрочно повысилось количество контактов с ПИНами, а также количество розданных шприцев в Казахстане и Узбекистане — в двух странах, в отношении которых имеются данные уже с г.

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    The use of opium and similar raw opiate drugs is only marginal when compared to mostly injected heroin, which is by far the most prevalent primary drug in problem drug users in Central Asia. This, however, might not always reflect only the trends in drug use in the field, but also the administrative focus on the specific problems in the given years, and the availability of resources for the operations of the system that feeds the registers.

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  • Thus, a certain level of caution in interpreting the data is recommended. BBS is a repeated crosssectional study in selected populations and selected places. План действий по наркотикам между ЕС и странами Средней Азии на — гг. Средняя Азия включает пять независимых государств с относительно разнородной географией, демографическим состоянием и экономикой, входящие ранее в состав Советского Союза см.

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  • To interpret the trends in seizures of drugs is even more complex and difficult; comparison in this field is further complicated by the different reporting practices and formats of reports on seizures. В Казахстане предположение в два раза выше — указывает 7 ПИНов на тысячу жителей. T he Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, The exchange of , syringes and distribution of 23, condoms were performed. Детализированные данные по распространенности ВИЧ-инфекции, гепатита типа «С» и сифилиса доступны в Казахстане и Узбекистане. Opiates are the most frequent primary drug of registered persons in all four CA countries approx. Исполнение бюджета год Исполнение бюджета год Исполнение бюджета год Исполнение бюджета год Исполнение бюджета год Муниципальные программы. Currently, the legislation concerning drugs in the Kyrgyz Republic is contained in 11 articles of the Criminal Code and two articles of the Administrative Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. Методика проведения оценки численности ПИН оставалась неизменной с года 5. Какая сфера деятельности, по вашему мнению, наиболее важная для развития городского округа? Также в году в отдельных регионах Казахстана были зарегистрированы обращения в наркологические организации лиц с острыми отравлениями тропикамидом3, который используется наркопотребителями. In , compared with , prices remained at a similar level. Since the start of the OST project, persons have attended it. In the Chui oblast, the male population is predominant For example, the retail price for 1 gram of opium is fixed at around USD 1. Аналитическая функция зачастую является составной частью координационного органа вместе с мониторингом наркоситуации. Evaluation of drug prevention in the schools of Kazakhstan. The number of patients who applied for treatment anonymously was 2,

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  • In Tajikistan, a specific drug situation body following the EMCDDA model was established within the Ministry of Health; Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are still debating the options for the structure and institutional framework of their drug situation monitoring bodies. The national summaries referring to the drug situation in each individual country using a uniform structure compose the country-specific section of this publication. B Казахстане и в Узбекистане как общий коэффициент смертности, так и «SMR» в случае регистрированных наркопотребителей-женщин были существенно выше чем у мужчин.

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  • IDUs represented cases In Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan both the crude mortality rates and SMR for female registered drug users were remarkably higher than in males. Together with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, a Kyrgyz-Finnish pilot project for the prevention of tobacco use among school students was implemented in the schools of the Chui oblast. Addiction, , 32— In the event of disagreement with the diagnosis of drug dependence, a citizen can make a complaint to the higher health authorities or in court. In recent years, a bio-behavioural surveillance survey BBS has been conducted in Uzbekistan to assess the epidemiological situation in infectious diseases in IDUs and other risk groups. World Drug Report In the public sector, the hospital treatment of patients with drug and alcohol addiction is provided by 22 drug treatment clinics, 5 psychiatric hospitals, and 9 addiction clinics for compulsory drug treatment 6. Уважаемые пользователи и гости сайта! The largest number of helpline customers belonged to the age group aged 26—35 years. Смертность наркопотребителей Стандартизиро ванный показатель смертности: чрезмерная вероятность смерти наркопотребителя в сопоставлении с лицами, не употребляющими наркотики в г. The national prevalence rate of those registered with the narcological system decreased to 7.